1. Beautiful Savior
2. Blessed Assurance
3. His Eye Is On The Sparrow
4. In The Garden / Sweet Hour Of Prayer / Be Still My Soul
5. A Mighty Fortress / Holy, Holy, Holy / All Creatures Of Our
God And King
6. It Is Well With My Soul
7. Resurrection Medley Were You There / When I Survey The
Wondrous Cross / The Old Rugged Cross / Rise Again /
Ten Thousand Angels
8. Praise Medley Praise To The Lord The Almighty / Amazing
Grace / O How He Loves You And Me / How Great Thou Art
9. What A Friend We Have In Jesus / Just As I Am / Ivory
Palaces / Softly And Tenderly
10. Abide With Me / Rock Of Ages / I Love To Tell The Story
11. My Tribute (To God Be The Glory)
Embrace My Soul
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